Tuesday, December 13, 2005

oh wow a jeep, I wanta drive it!

Bradyn wasn't feeling real good the morning santa came and he never wants us to carry him down the stairs but he did that morning. we thought for sure he would see his jeep, but he didn't till we put him down. He was so excited. It was so cute he wanted Charlie to drive. It was a great Christmas.

Santa comes early this year

We had so much fun getting ready for Christmas this year. We decided to do it early since we will be out of town the next 2 weekends. Charlie helped santa get the jeep ready for Bradyn in hopes he will get a ride soon.

Bradyn watches the snow from the bedroom

Charlie is full of smiles

When he smiles it just melts our heart. It is so fun to talk to him and watch him get so excited. He is such a good baby. He went to the doctor last week and weighs 14 lb and is in the 95th percentile. That was a big jump from 6 lb 11 oz from birth, from 20% to 95%, wow we may have a line backer!!

Meeting Santa Claus

We went down town to Justin's work to meet Santa Claus and all the way there I talked to Bradyn about him and reminded him that Santa Claus was nice. When he saw Santa from a distance he seemed to think that was pretty cool and wanted down and walked right over there, unfortunately there was a little girl already on his lap or Bradyn may of climbed up there. So we had to go get him and then when it came to his turn he didn't think he was so cool anymore, but Charlie seemed to like him...

Helping mom put up the Christmas tree

As I was putting the lights on the tree Charlie got hungry so I went over to feed him and Bradyn saw the lights on the floor and decided it was the perfect opportunity to drag them across the living room and then drive over them with his car. He is such a boy! He enjoyed helping me hang the ornaments but when he saw the bulbs he quickley said "ball" and started to throw them. So needless to say there are no bulbs on the tree this year. I have though managed to find a few balls that have been thrown into the branches for decoration.

The first big snow

Justin says that he measured the snow on top of the truck and it was 11 inches. It was the first real snow that Bradyn got to go out in and help dad shovel the drive way (for more snow to come down on). He only stayed out there for about 5 minutes but he had a great time.

Me and my big brother

Bradyn is such a good big brother. When he talks to Charlie it is so cute to hear his voice change and Charlie gets so excited and kicks his feet and moves his hands. Bradyn leans over and kisses him on the head often. When Charlie sneezed Bradyn says "bless you Charlie". It is so cute. They will be the best of friends.

Momma and Charlie

I've been a good boy!!

Daddy's boys

Monday, December 05, 2005

We love bath time

Here are my two boys. Can you tell which one is which??

I wanta drive it!!

Bradyn loves to drive. When we get ready to leave the house he always says "I wanta drive it". If Justin is going with him he says oh "Daddy drive it". It is so cute.

Pictures from halloween

Bradyn and Charlie were both lions. Bradyn loved to walk up to the door and ring the doorbell but as soon as someone came to the door he wanted to run the other way. He like the fact that he was getting lots of "nummy nums"!!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Charlie is growing so fast

Charlie is growing so fast. Each day he changes so much. He is smiling and starting to talk to you. He is so sweet.

Blake Kilian

Our first nephew. He is so handsome, he is starting to smile and laugh so much. He was baptised on Sunday. Justin and I were so honored to be his god parents.


We went and stayed with Nana and Papa for a week and Bradyn got to play with all his friends. We went to Exploration place and he love it. We also took him to see Chicken Little and he sat through the whole movie. As you can see he is usually surrounded by women!!


I don't see any rolls!